IE6 and IE7 limit CSS links to 30
Help! Working in Drupal and having trouble getting stylesheets to work? Did they break all of a sudden in Internet Explorer only? I can’t see my stylesheets anymore in IE6 or IE7! Internet Explorer...
View ArticleGoogle Chrome 4.0: Extensions and Bookmark Sync
Today Google officially announced the release of Chrome 4.0. The update features two major pieces of functionality, Extensions and Bookmark Syncing. If you already have Google Chrome, just click on...
View ArticleHelp: IE7 won’t load my JSON but IE8 will – Using a JSON Validator
I just ran into this issue, and found surprisingly little documentation. My JSON request wasn’t returning. I was using the jQuery “getJSON” method to send the request out. Nothing was coming back....
View ArticleCSS3 and HTML5 For the masses: HTML5Shiv and CSS3 PIE make it possible
Everywhere I look on the web (the web developer web that is) is CSS3 this, jQuery that, shadows, HTML5. Such a tease, what about our minimum browser requirements spec? Damn IE6 is yet again 10% of the...
View ArticleFacebook to drop IE6 support on IE9 beta day, September 15
I’ve been quiet for while, and wanted to start up again with some great news. Facebook is going to stop IE6 support for chat on the IE9 beta day. Projects always ask about IE6 support, whether they...
View ArticleBrower Market Share: Chrome at 10.7%, IE 6 at 12.03% – Companies upgrading...
ConceivablyTech has done a good job summarizing the data from NetMarketShare. From The Third Double-Digit Browser: Chrome Blasts Past 10%: Google’s Chrome had another successful month and ended 2010...
View ArticleThe Pending Browser Hell – On IE Half Life
Paul Irish, wrote Browser Market Pollution: IE[x] is the new IE6, which details the complexities we have coming up for us as web developers. I’m glad to see someone fully thought this through. Browser...
View ArticlejQuery 2.0 to drop IE 6/7/8 Support
To quote the jQuery folks: Our goal is for 1.9 and 2.0 to be interchangeable as far as the API set they support. When 2.0 comes out, your decision on which version to choose should be as simple as...
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